Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Questions On Writing Assignments The Klandermans And...

Writing assignments: Below are six prompts based on the ideas presented in the Klandermans and Staggenborg text and in earlier readings in Creswell. Select three of the six prompts. Write a minimum 500-word response for each of your selections. 1. What is survey method? What kinds of survey methods are used in social movements research? Discuss their benefits and limitations. In the realm of social science there are a variety of measurement tools that academics use to perform social research. One of the most important tools is survey research, a ?measurement procedure that involves asking questions of respondents.? 1 The importance of survey research cannot be understated, as it is estimated that in the 1980s and 1990s one out of every†¦show more content†¦John W. Creswell recommends, in his book, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Traditions, that there be a single central question and several subquestions.5 Therefore, one of the challenges in survey research is ensuring that questionnaires and interviews yield results that somehow assist in answering the central question or related subquestions pertaining to the study. A variety of survey-related studies are provided by Klandermans an d Smith that normally focus on comparison of movements, events, other social movement features, or a variety of integrated comparisons.6 Additionally, they acknowledge one of the major challenges in comparative research studies: Unless we obtain measurements that both precede and follow participation or exposure to movement activities, we will not be able to determine the extent to which individuals participate because of their beliefs and the extent to which their beliefs are shaped by their participation.7 Furthermore, social movement participation may affect later action, participation is conceived as four distinct steps representing a participants? decisions as they ?move toward or away from participation.? 8 An assortment of challenges must be considered prior to development of a research survey beyond consideration of a participants? step within the social movement?s evolutionary process. Considerations include selecting the appropriate

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